Pillars of Islam

Have you ever wondered what are the pillars of Islam? Why there are pillars of Islam? Who are the pillars of Islam applied to? All these questions shall pop into any Muslim’s mind from the very beginning if you are born Muslim already or it pops up in your mind if you have recently converted to Islam. What is the point of this whole idea of pillars of Islam?

Allah has created us and this entire world, setting rules and regulations to be able to run this splendid creation which he made and making us as his worshippers as Muslims to follow what he ordered us to do. It all began with the creation of Adam and Eve when they were the first human beings that Allah has made in this entire world. Following their creation, the whole community of people was born out of Adam and Eve. Islam was a religion by manners rather than a religion that is fully accomplished. What does that mean? It means that when Adam and Eve were first created, they were following the regulations of Islam generally, however it was not yet known to be the final religion Allah had made official for all people to follow.

What has preceded Islam and the pillars of Islam?

It was such wisdom from Allah to gradually introduce the rules, regulations, and manners of Islam. What does that mean? We have mentioned earlier that the Islamic manners were the ones only known then, following that Allah has properly mentioned the accomplishing of the Islam’s rules. So that explains to us how wise Allah is to titrate or make the completion of Islam gradual so that every step takes its time and people are able to get accustomed to what Allah has made.

ماذا سبق الاسلام؟ قد نرى أن الله خلق آدم و حواء و ابتدأ الخلق بهم. حيث خلقهم من لاشئ أو بمعنى أخر خلقهم من طين. و نرى التدرج و التسلسل في الخطوات التي أقامها الله عندما خلق هذا الكون. حيث أ، كلمه الاسلام أن الفكره تدور حول إسلام الشخص بحوله و قوته و تسليمها إلى الله و أن لا يشرك به شيئا.
فيبدأ الله بخلق الكون بكل ما فيه من تفاصيل و عنايه ألهيه, فيخلق النجوم و الكواكب و الشمس و القمر بحسبان و أيضا الشجر و الانسان و الدواب. و تكون هذه المخلوقات جميعها على فطره الاسلام و أن تعبد الله وحده ولا تشرك به شيئا. لكن جاءت تعاليم الاسلام هي الاولى أو بمعنى أصح أن الاسلام بدأ بالاخلاق و أنه لا إله إلا الله وحده لاشريك له ليس له ولد و لا صاحبه و أن من يسير على هذا المنوال و الفكر يفوز في الدنيا و الاخره. و بدأ التدرج في رساله الله سبحانه و تعالى حيث بدأ الله بإرسال الرسل للناس و لكل قوم أو جماعه من الناس رسول يخبرهم أن يعبدوا الله و لا يشركوا به شيئا بعد أن قامت فئه من الناس، و هي فئه ليست بقليله، أن تبتعد عن عباده الله و بدأت بعباده الاصنام بعد أن أغواها الشيطان و وسوس لهم. فبعث الله النبيين مبشرين و منذرين لهؤلاء القوم في كل زمان و مكان. فكان هناك الكثير من الانبياء و الرسل الذي بعثهم الله منهم سيدنا نوح و ابراهيم و اسماعيل و كان أخرهم سيدنا محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

The first pillar of Islam; The Shahadah:

As we have already mentioned, Allah has created all people on the right instinct where they should be worshipping Allah and Allah only with other gods or creatures that he has created. Apparently, The Shahadah is the first announcement of our obedience to Allah and declaration of our commitment to the duty towards Allah as Muslims. The second part of the Shahadah indicates announces our will as Muslims to consider that Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) is the final messenger of Allah which we shall follow and obey after Allah. Why is the Shahadah is important? For any person in the world to enter Islam or convert to Islam, this statement or sentence has to be said as a sort of declaration, and a statement that this person who is about to convert to Islam is not born a Muslim. For those who were born Muslims already, they have the potential to revive and renew their intentions ion worshipping Allah.

أن يعتقد الإنسان أن الله وحده هو الرب المالك المتصرف الخالق الرزاق ، ويثبت له جميع الأسماء الحسنى والصفات العلى التي أثبتها لنفسه ، أو أثبتها له رسوله ويعتقد أن الله وحده هو المستحق للعبادة دون سواه أما الجزء الاخر من الشهاده يتضمن أن الإنسان يعتقد أن الله أرسل رسوله محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم وأنزل عليه القرآن وأمره بإبلاغ هذا الدين إلى الناس كافة ويعتقد أن محبة الله ورسوله وطاعتهما واجبة على كل أحد.

The second pillar of Islam; The Prayers or “Al Salah”:

The arrangement is based on priorities; the daily prayers come in the second place due to their importance. Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) has mentioned that the difference between a Muslim and an Infidel is the prayers, as Muslims, we have to be careful when it comes to performing the prayers. The Salah is a daily ritual when we pray to Allah to plead and worship him since he is the creator of this world. The Prayers are 5 times per day each has its own time when we pray them and its own number of “Raqa’at”. Previously, when their prayers have been 50 prayers when they have been first implicated by Allah upon the Prophet Mohamed. After Prophet Mohamed has asked Allah to reduce the number of prayers since it may be a little of a hard job to do to pray 50 times a day till it reached to be 5 times only. Apparently, prayers have been one of the pillars of Islam which we shall commit to as Muslims.


الصلوات المفروضة في اليوم والليلة خمس صلوات هي الفجر والظهر والعصر والمغرب والعشاء وهناك صلوات مسنونة كقيام الليل ، وصلاة التراويح . وركعتي الضحى وغيرها من السنن والصلاة فرضاً كانت أو نفلاً تمثل صدق التوجه إلى الله وحده في جميع الأمور وقد أمر الله المؤمنين كافة بالمحافظة عليها جماعة بقوله تعالى : ( حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وقوموا لله قانتين ). و يجب على الانسان أن يلتزم بالصلوات لأنها عماد الدين.

فمن تركها عامداً فقد كفر كما قال سبحانه : ( منيبين إليه واتقوه وأقيموا الصلاة ولا تكونوا من المشركين

The third pillar of Islam; Al Zakah:

What is Al Zakah? It is the committing of some amount of money based on specific criteria to be able to get to pay Al Zakah. These criteria were introduced by Allah to us. A specific percent according to the asset which a Muslim has, is subtracted when a specific time passes which is a whole year. This pillar is specially made as a duty for people who are capable of paying their money to people who are unable to pay for their daily needs. As a sort of support and holding responsibility towards the community since we are not living on this planet for ourselves only, this is specially made for bonding together and helping each other out. The rich or the capable are lending a helping hand to those who are not.

الزكاة تطهر المال وتنميه وتزكي النفوس من الشح والبخل وتقوي المحبة بين الأغنياء والفقراء فيزول الحقد

قد أوجب الله إخراج الزكاة على كل من ملك نصاباً حال عليه الحول من الذهب والفضة وعروض التجارة و الحول هو مرور عام كامل و يكون هذا المال مدخر. و أن يعطي المسلم أو يقدم زكاته للفقير و المحتاج في السر خير و أحسن من العلن و لكنه لا يجب أن يؤذي من يقوم بدفع الزكاه له. كما قال تعالى : ( إن تبدوا الصدقات فنعمّا هي وإن تخفوها وتؤتوها الفقراء فهو خير لكم ويكفر عنكم من سيئاتكم والله بما تعملون خبير

The fourth pillar of Islam; Fasting:

Fasting or “Al Seyam” is literally prohibiting yourself from eating and drinking. Other than being prevented from eating and drinking, there are some other actions that are also inhibited on the day of Seyam, such as cursing, fighting or doing any hurtful actions or wasting their time on social media, or listening to what is unnecessary to the religion or their afterlife. Fasting occurs in the Holy month of Ramadan which is a 30-day month in every year. Instead, they may start to resent their priorities, listen to Religious lessons, open the Mushaf and read the Quran on daily basis and try to apprehend the Quran which is the words of Allah. The colossal benefit of such a month is to be able to control yourself! Many could think that they are just being dragged around by trends, modernized ideas, activities, and thoughts to the extent that their priorities start to change! They no longer feel that their religion is their number one. Apparently, in this Holy month of Ramadan, the devils are clutched away from humans, Muslim tend to act from themselves and not by the deceiving thoughts of the devil. Unleashed from the devil’s pressure that is put on Muslims, they have time to worship Allah with less pressure and obstacles.


قد أوجب الله صيام شهر رمضان على كل مسلم بالغ عاقل من ذكر وأنثى

كما قال سبحانه : ( شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان فمن شهد منكم الشهر فليصمه , ومن كان مريضاً أو على سفر فعدة من أيام آخر يريد الله بكم اليسر ولا يريد بكم العسر ولتكملوا العدة ولتكبروا الله على ما هداكم ولعلكم تشكرون

الصيام هو التوقف عن المفطرات من الأكل والشرب من طلوع الفجر و حتي غروب الشمس.

The last pillar of Islam; Al-Haj:

Al-Haj is the visit to the Kaaba where it is present in Saudi Arabia. Initially, it was built by Prophets Ibrahim and his son Isma’il. This has been the direction of the Qiblah of the praying of Muslims where they direct themselves when praying. Visiting this Holy place has been the last important pillar of Islam. Not only visiting this place also does it involve some other rituals and commands from Allah to do when Muslims are there. What is the benefit of visiting such a place? It has been said by our Prophet that the Muslims shall return from the accepted Hajj as they were first born from their mother’s womb, sinless. Imagine that! Going to a place to wash all your sins as a human being is such a gift from Allah!

جعل الله للمسلمين قبلة يتجهون إليها عند صلاتهم ودعائهم حيث ما كانوا وهي البيت العتيق في مكة المكرمة : ( فول وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام وحيث ما كنتم فولوا وجوهكم شطره )

والحج موسم تتجلى فيه وحدة المسلمين , وقوتهم , وعزتهم فالرب واحد والكتاب واحد والرسول واحد والأمة واحدة والعبادة واحدة والملابس واحدة

In a nutshell, there are 5 pillars of Islam, which Allah has made crystal clear to us when they descended upon his last messenger Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), and believe it or not. This has been the easiest way to pave your path to heaven there is no need to bother yourself with more, just make sure to make these perfect, and then your hard work will pay off.

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