Why learn Online Quran? and what are the benefits?

Why? Why is the start or the initial question that pops up in anyone’s mind when they see anything in their life? Like, why choose this color? Why bother about anything? Why does it take so long? Why do I have to do this? Why anything? And here starts the paradox of Why? Why learn Online Quran? Why do I have to choose to learn something anyway? Why learn the Quran and also online but not face to face? What benefit will I get out of this? Are there any benefits anyway? Answering to all these questions there is definitely a colossal benefit, merits, and even, “Thawab” in learning anything in this life let alone the Quran.

Why learn anything in the first place?

Why has been the key to success? The world’s most fascinating, splendiferous inventions, ideas, and even theories have started with this “WH” question which is Why? Nonetheless, this equation differs for us here as Muslims, it is not about the inventions or the theories or the praise we want to get out of learning anything, it is rather the “Thawab””ثواب” . Learning or acknowledging science is one of the many ways we can earn” Thawab” and pave our way to Allah to be on the righteous path straight away to heaven.

العلم، كلمه بسيطه تحوي بداخلها علي بحر من العلوم و الأهداف و النوايا و الصراعات التي قد يواجهها طالب العلم. وقد يختلفون طلاب العلم في اهدافهم و نواياهم و أحلامهم التي يريدون الوصول إليها و الطرق التي يسلكونها للوصول إلى ما يريدون ، فيختلف معها الحسبه، فنجد أن الثواب أو النتيجه قد تختلف من شخص لأخر. تعلم القرآن أون لاين هى من إحدي العلوم الشرعيه أو الأسلاميه التي يأمل بعض المسلمين أو حتي كلهم على تعلمها كامله. لكن نري أن القرآن و العلوم القرآنيه هي من إحدي العلوم الواسعه التي لا حصر لها أنه في طريقه لتعلمها يكسب المسلم الأجر و الثواب أثناء طريقه للتعلم حتي و لو لم يتميز بها أو يتفوق بها. توضيحا أكثر، نري أن مجرد قراءه ال قرآن الكريم يخبرنا رسول الله في حديث رواه

في سنن الترمذي وغيره من حديث عبدالله بن مسعود قال: قال صلى الله عليه وسلم:
من قرأ حرفا من كتاب الله فله به حسنة، والحسنة بعشر أمثالها، لا أقول ألم حرف ولكن ألف حرف ولام حرف وميم حرف

و نعمه كبيره أنعم الله علينا بها أنه فقط تلاوه عطره للقرآن يمكنها أن تجعلنا نكسب الثواب فما بالكم بتعلم قراءه القرآن بالطريقه الصحيحه و التلاوه الخاشعه العطره!
وما يزيد هذه المعلومه جمال أن الله سبحانه و تعالي كان رفيقا بمن لا يعلم أو لا يعرف قراءه القراآن بالطريقه الصحيحه كالأجنبي و هو يقرأ فأكرمه الله و أنعم عليه بأجران كما أوضح رسول الله لنا في حديثه

قال النووي في شرح مسلم: وأما الذي يتتعتع فيه فهو الذي يتردد في تلاوته لضعف حفظه فله أجران، أجربالقراءة، وأجر بتعتعته في تلاوته ومشقته. ا.هـ

The merits of learning

Learning on its own no matter the case is as long as it is for a good cause has its own “Thawab”. When we say learning, we mean the wide range and selection or variety of sciences of “Deen” and “Dunya”, the earth sciences and the Islamic sciences, any science which can benefit humanity in life or their afterlife.
To emphasize the importance of learning, the very first word of the Quran which Allah has descended on his prophet Mohammed PBUH was “Iqraa” in Surat Al’allaq, (Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists))

Read, a simple word that constitutes the vast ways of learning, has been the keyword to learn online Quran. As simple as that, Read. What we need to stress further and more is the importance of learning, reading, and acknowledging the sciences. Allah has made the place and the position of scientists and everyone who asks for learning one of the highest places and they may even reach to level or the rank of prophets. Clearly, enough would emphasize the essentiality of learning not only the Quran but also any other useful, fruitful science that benefits humanity.

وإمعانا و تأكيدا أكثر فأكثر في أهميه التعلم او بمعنى أخر بأهميه طلب العلم فنري أن الله قد ذكر في كتابه الكريم من هم أولو العلو و مكانتهم عنده و الاستشهاد بهم و بوجودهم.
رفع الله عز وجل قدر أهل العلم لا لحسبٍ ولا لجاه ولا لمال، وإنما بسبب العلم: {يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ}
وأيضا في حديث لرسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم: يخبرنا بمكانه العلماء و الذين يطلبون العلم
العلماء هم ورثة الأنبياء، قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: «وإن العُلَماءَ ورثةُ الأنبياءِ، إن الأنبياءَ لم يورِّثوا دينارًا ولا درهمًا، إنما ورَّثوا العلمَ، فمَن أخذَهُ أخذَ بحظٍّ وافرٍ
ولكن هل يقتصر العلم علي العلماء فقط؟ او هل الثواب يقتصر علي من هو عالم فقط؟ بالطبع لا, و لكن طلب العلم يكون لكل من هو يسلك طريقا ليتعلم و كأنما يسلك طريقا إلي الله. و اخبرنا الرسول بذلك لييسر لنا طلبنا للعلم.
«مَن سلَكَ طريقًا يلتَمِسُ فيهِ علمًا، سَهَّلَ اللَّهُ لَهُ طريقًا إلى الجنَّةِ

All of these endless proofs and evidence stress and emphasize the fact that learning on its whole is the most essential thing in this life, so what if you have learned the Quran itself which are the words of Almighty Allah? Imagine the “Thawab”, imagine the “Hassanat” or the ample benefits which you can have!!
Learning online Quran is a plus point to all of these points, in other words, it is just the cherry on the top. To even point out the vitality of learning the Quran, it has been known that the prophet mentioned that “the best of people is those who learn the Quran and teach it” “خيركم من تعلم القرآن و علمه”

What will happen after learning the Quran?

Now that you have learned to learn the Quran and have known enough to read it correctly and understand it thoroughly, what next? What will you get? Surprisingly enough, Allah has made those people who read the Quran and recite it are the people of the Quran and the people of Allah in other words,
أهل القرآن هم أهل الله
And what does that mean in any way? It is the people who recite the Quran, who works by the regulations of the Quran, who make the Quran their guidance from being lost, who read the Quran frequently whether among the entire month or week or year yet they never leave the Quran without refreshing their memory by reciting it. It is all these people who Allah calls the people of the Quran and consequently the people of Allah.

When to start to learn online Quran?

Unlike all of the other aspects of life and sciences, it is never too late to learn the Quran. Learning the Quran is the only successful project which never fails or wears out. Whenever you started, no matter what the time is or your level is, it is never too late. So, it is better late than never!! How investing your time and effort in learning the Quran is never a failure? Since we have mentioned before that every letter you renunciate, is a “Hasanat” to be written in your book for the day of resurrection. The rereading or the reciting from your memory is even more and more “Hasanat” in your book. Imagine on the day of resurrection, tons of good points are written in your book from reading the Quran! What a pleasure! Apparently, there is no specific time to learn the Quran and at the same time, it is too late to start!

One master key for learning:

No matter what you are doing as a Muslim, there is one thing you should really consider before doing which is the “Niyah”. Anything you do, want to do, or are willing to do, it is crucial to consider your “Niyah”. A Niyah is your intention. Briefly enough, Allah is the only witness of our intentions and what we conceive in our hearts so it is essential to consider it in every action we take and every thought we think of! Apparently, to learn online the Quran is one of the deeds we have to consider our intention while doing it. One of the many intentions is to get closer to Allah, obey him, and get his satisfaction. The essentiality of intention has been emphasized by the prophet |Mohammed PBUH in his Hadith
إِنَّمَا الأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ، وَإِنَّمَا لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ مَا نَوَى، فَمَنْ كَانَتْ هِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى دُنْيَا يُصِيبُهَا، أَوْ إِلَى امْرَأَةٍ يَنْكِحُهَا، فَهِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى مَا هَاجَرَ إِلَيْهِ

To learn online Quran is one of the glorious steps any Muslim will take, it does not need a second thought obviously cause the pros and what you will benefit from outweighing humongous cons which may even be negligible. So come on start now what are you waiting for?!

You can also check the importance of Quran in this article

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