About The Course
This course is related to the knowledge and (learning of Quranic Arabic language) which is learning how to read (Arabic alphabet) & words preparing you (to learn to read the Holy Quran). it is (considered) a very important step towards (learning Quran recitation and Quran memorization).
Why Should I take this Arabic reading rules course?
Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, so it is the gate to understand (the Qur’anic’ Arabic language of the Holy Quran).
Course Details
In this online Arabic reading rules course students will learn:
◊ How to recognize (Arabic alphabet) (reading & writing)
◊ Letters’ Vowels
◊ Maad & Tanwen
◊ Sokoun & Tashded
◊ Different types of (Lam)
◊ Dictation
◊ A collection of the most improperly recited 500 words in the Holy Quran
Who should take the Arabic language course?
- Kids starting from the age of 5
- Non-Arabic speaker’s, adults who don’t know how to (read Quran in Arabic) or write the Arabic language of the Quran